releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
Overall Taxon Cover Values are Automatically Calculated?
Stem Observation Area
Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Shrub Height
Field Height
Shrub Cover
Field Cover
Nonvascular Cover
Misc Fields:
Observation Narrative
This plot represents a re-sampling of the central zone of pond N105-1 at the Grafton Ponds complex. A 200 square meter quadrat was positioned near the pond center, in which seasonal flooding is deep enough to exclude trees. According to Rebecca Wilson, this habitat does not completely draw down in some years, but it had obviously been exposed for some time on the 2008 date of sampling. Current vegetation in sample is densely graminoid-dominated with three clumps of Cephalanthus occidentalis within the boundary. The western edge of the plot touches the deepest, central part of the pond, which was only recently drawn down and supports rather sparse juveniles of the species that dominate elsewhere. In this area, approximately 24 individuals of the rare sedge Fimbristylis perpusilla were observed on the recently exposed mineral soil. Cephalanthus appears to be dying out of this pond. The surrounding swamp forest is largely dominated by Nyssa biflora and Quercus lyrata. A comparison of 2008 data with Rawinski's transect of plots from 1995 suggests indicates major differences in species composition and abundance between these two years.
0-20 cm: medium brown clay
20+ cm: light gray clay with orange mottles
Disturbance Data:
Disturbance Type
Disturbance Intensity
Disturbance Comment
Burned in May, 1995; fire scars evident in surround forest. Noticeable deer grazing on Cyperus erythrorhizos. Extensive die-back in Cephalanthus colony near pond center.